Our vision - all children and adults in Mid & West Wales are safe
- We will work together to keep children, young people and adults at risk in Mid and West Wales safe.
- This will be achieved by ensuring that safeguarding practice, strategic planning and commissioning across all partner agencies continuously improves as a result of CYSUR & CWMPAS activity.
- The aim of all CYSUR & CWMPAS activity is to improve outcomes for adults at risk, children, young people and their families.
What is CYSUR?

- CYSUR is the Mid and West Wales Regional Safeguarding Children Board.
- CYSUR is an acronym for Child and Youth Safeguarding: Unifying the Region and is also the Welsh word for reassurance.
- CYSUR is a multi-agency strategic partnership consisting of the four local authorities in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys, Dyfed-Powys Police, Hywel Dda University Health Board, Powys Teaching Health Board, Public Health Wales, National Probation Service and Welsh Ambulance Service Trust.
What is CWMPAS?

CWMPAS is the Mid and West Wales Regional Safeguarding Adults Board.
CWMPAS is an acronym for Collaborative Working and Maintaining Partnership in Adult Safeguarding and is also the Welsh word for scope or remit.
CWMPAS is a multi-agency strategic partnership consisting of the four local authorities in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys, Dyfed-Powys Police, Hywel Dda University Health Board, Powys Teaching Health Board, Public Health Wales, National Probation Service and Welsh Ambulance Service Trust.
Why have a Regional Safeguarding Board?
The regional arrangements were established to meet the requirements of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. The Mid and West Wales region covers over half of the land mass of Wales, and borders with 9 Welsh counties, as well as counties in England.
In response to the diverse geography and population of the region, CYSUR & CWMPAS recognise the need to maintain both a local and regional focus. The regional purpose is to coordinate the strategic direction, collaboration, consistency and improvement of practice across the region. The local purpose is to coordinate local practice, and work towards ensuring effectiveness of local arrangements to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of adults at risk, children and young people.
Membership of the Mid & West Wales Safeguarding Boards
The Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014 prescribes the Safeguarding Board partners and the levels of seniority of partner representatives on Safeguarding Boards. The statutory functions are carried out by the below member organisations.
Powys, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire & Ceredigion Local Authorities:
- Director of Social Services
- Head of Service for children’s/adult services where these duties are not exercised by the Directors identified above
- Director of Education
Dyfed Powys Police:
- Superintendent or in their absence an officer who holds at least the rank of Chief Inspector; and
- Whom the Chief Officer has charged with specific responsibilities in relation to the protection of children.
Hywel Dda University Health Board & Powys Teaching Health Board:
- The LHB’s lead officer for children’s/adults' services or some other officer directly accountable to him or her who is of sufficient seniority to act as the LHB‘s representative instead of the lead officer;
- A registered medical practitioner charged with specific responsibilities in relation to the protection of children with in the area of the LHB;
- A registered nurse charged with specific responsibilities in relation to the protection of children and the director of nursing in relation to the protection of children within the area of the LHB.
Public Health Wales:
- The Trust’s lead executive director for safeguarding children and adults or some other officer directly accountable to him or her who is of sufficient seniority to act as the Trust’s representative instead of the lead executive director.
The National Probation Service
- The Chief Officer, director, or an individual who is of sufficient seniority to represent the Board instead of the Chief Officer
Financing the Board
The Mid & West Wales Safeguarding Board is funded by partner contributions, managed by the Business Unit and that money is spent on resources and infrastructure that support the work of the Board and delivery of our strategic outcomes.
The regional budget is also used to fund bespoke multi-agency training recommended by regional practice reviews and to commission research work to support the Board's functions.