What is the Mid & West Wales Safeguarding Children Board?
The board is a group of people from different organisations who work with children, young people and their families. This group meets up and plans how they can work together to protect children and young people in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys.
The board talk about issues such as online bullying, neglect and abuse, living in a safe environment at home and in the community, and alcohol and drug misuse.
For more information on CYSUR, click here.
The Junior Board also has its own website!
Childline is a free and confidential helpline for children and young people in the UK to talk to someone about any issues they have. You can talk to them about anything.
Speak Out Stay Safe (formerly Childline Schools Service) is for Primary School children. They can help you to protect yourself and show you where to go for help if you need it.
If you have concerns about yourself, a friend or another child: Click here.

Below are some useful links to websites that can offer information and advice on subjects such as:
- Abuse and Neglect
- Bullying
- Sexual Health
- Drugs and Alcohol Misuse
- Being safe when online & using technology (Social Media)
- Your Rights, and
- How to have your say on things that matter to you.
What is Sexting?
When people talk about sexting, they usually mean sending and receiving:
- naked pictures or 'nudes'
- 'underwear shots'
- sexual or 'dirty pics'
- rude text messages or videos.
They can be sent to or from a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend or someone you've met online.
Sexting can easily happen. Things can go wrong – even when you didn't mean for them to.
Sending a sexual text, image or video can be dangerous if shared with the wrong person. Once you send a message, you're not in control of what happens to it. Even if it’s posted online we can help. Click HERE for advice on Sexting.
ZIPIT is an app to help you stay control of your chat game.
If someone's trying to get you to send them naked images of yourself, use the images on Zipit to keep the situation in control.
Zipit helps you get flirty chat back on the right track. It's packed with killer comebacks and top tips to help you stay in control of your chat game.
You can also share images from Zipit through other apps like Whatsapp or Instagram, depending on what kind of phone you have and what apps you have on your phone.
Available for Apple and Android. Download via Google Play or the Apple App Store.

The NSPCC provide information for children and young people about Abuse and neglect, such as how to stay safe, and advice on bullying. It also provides a confidential service to enable children and young people to report concerns they have for themselves, brothers or sisters, or a friend.

Barnardo’s works with children, young people and families living on the margins of society who are struggling to overcome the disadvantages caused by poverty, abuse and discrimination.
Meic is an advocacy and advice helpline for children and young people in Wales. Providing advice on issues over the phone, by text and online.
The Children's Commissioner for Wales speaks on behalf of children and young people, providing them with information about rights and encourages them to have a say on things that affect their lives.
Children's Rights in Wales
Children's Rights in Wales - Children and young people are critical to achieving the full implementation of the UNCRC in Wales. They need to be made fully aware of their UNCRC rights and how to claim them and also need to be involved in monitoring and reporting on children's rights as well actively involved in the process of holding Government to account to respect, protect and fulfil children's rights.
Children’s rights are all the things that children and young people need to make sure that they are safe, have the things they need to survive and develop, and have a say in decisions that affect their lives.
In 2011 Wales became the first country in the UK to make the UN Rights of the Child part of its domestic law.
Funky Dragon
Funky Dragon - the Children and Young People’s Assembly for Wales - is the umbrella children and young people led organisation for promoting and supporting the implementation of the UNCRC in Wales. Their aim is to give 0 – 25 year olds the opportunity to get their voices heard on issues that affect them. The opportunity to participate and be listened to is a fundamental right under the United Nations Convention Rights of the Child. Funky Dragon tries to represent as wide a range of children as possible and work with decision-makers to achieve change.