COVID-19 Statement

Guidance and Update Bulletins
MAWWSB COVID-19 Safeguarding Document
MAWWSB Summary of National and Regional Guidance - COVID-19 Response
Interim Position for the Management of Child Protection Conferences
Welsh Government Statement
Interim Arrangements for Management of LAC Reviews
Section 47 and Statutory Visits Interim Process
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Guidance
Data Protection Guidance
Links to external guidance
Welsh Government: Reporting suspected abuse, harm or neglect
Welsh Government Written Statement: Supporting children and young people – keeping them safe
Dyfed Powys Police Guidance: Updates, FAQs, and specific guidance for Domestic Abuse victims
Guidance for Services for Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse
Welsh Government - Vulnerable Children
Welsh Government - Safeguarding in Settings
Information about COVID-19 for children - Rights 4 Children
Children's Commissioner guidance for children and families
Public Health Wales Self-Isolation guidance
Looking after your mental health - BBC News
Public Health Wales - Information for Health and Social Care professionals
Welsh Government - Children’s social services during the COVID-19 pandemic: guidance
Welsh Government Guidance for dealing with people who are unwilling or unable to self-isolate
Books Beyond Words - Free E-books on COVID-19 and emotional wellbeing
Guidance for providers of accommodation for survivors of violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence: coronavirus (COVID-19)
Public Health Wales: Latest information on COVID-19
Welsh Government: COVID-19
Welsh Government - Keeping People Safe
Wales Violence Prevention Unit E-Bulletin
VAWDASV: Staying safe during the coronavirus emergency (Welsh Government)
Calls to NSPCC child welfare hotline jump by 50% during pandemic