Welsh Govt Codes of Practice & Statutory Guidance
Working together to safeguard people:
Volume 1 - Introduction and Overview
Volume 2 - Child Practice Reviews
Volume 3 - Adult Practice Reviews
Volume 4 - Adult Protection and Support Orders
Volume 5 - Handling Individual Cases to Protect Children at Risk
Volume 6 - Handling Individual Cases to Protect Adults at Risk
Non-statutory guidance for practitioners: Information sharing to safeguard children
These codes of practice are issued under section 145 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.
Local authorities, when exercising their social services functions, must act in accordance with the requirements contained in the codes.
The statutory guidance is issued under section 169 of the Act. Local authorities and Local Health Boards must have regard to this guidance in relation to partnership arrangements which are required under section 166 of the Act.
National - All Wales Protocols (Children):
Safeguarding Children in whom Illness is Fabricated or Induced (2008)
The Protection of Children and Young People at risk or experiencing harm through the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) (2015)
Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking and Refugee Children (2010)
Safe from Harm: Safeguarding Children in Voluntary and Community Organisations in Wales (2007)
Keeping Learners Safe: The role of local authorities, governing bodies and proprietors of independent schools under the Education Act 2002 (2015)
Safeguarding Children in Education: handling allegations of abuse against teachers and other staff (2014)
The Right to Choose: Multi-agency statutory guidance for dealing with forced marriage (2008)
MAPPA Guidance v4 (2012)
Procedural Response to Unexpected Deaths in Childhood (PRUDiC) (2023)
Wales Accord on the Sharing of Personal Information (WASPI) (2010)
HM Government Seven Golden Rules for Information Sharing
HM Government Post-GDPR Information Sharing Guidance
National Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Action Plan
Update (Jan 2022) Final Report on Delivery of Actions under the National CSA Action Plan
All Wales Practice Guides
Safeguarding children affected by domestic abuse
Safeguarding children where there are concerns about harmful sexual behaviour
Safeguarding children who go missing from home or care
Safeguarding children from abuse related to cultural and religious beliefs
Safeguarding children from child sexual exploitation
Safeguarding children who may be trafficked
Links to national resources (children)
NSPCC - Harmful Sexual Behaviour Framework
STOP IT NOW - Useful Publications
Welsh Government anti-bullying guidance to challenge bullying in schools
Exploitation Disruption Toolkit
Ending Physical Punishment in Wales: Overview
Welsh Government Safeguarding Guidance Homepage (through-age)
Contextual Safeguarding Scale-Up Toolkit
Missing Children Response Assessment Tool
Reducing the Criminalisation of care experienced children and young adults in Wales: A Practical Toolkit for Professionals
Independent Child Trafficking Advocates (ICTAS)

CTAs are professionals who support children who have potentially been trafficked. The ICTAs provision was trialled by Barnardo's in 2014-15 and three early adopter sites have now been set up across England and Wales.
For more information on this and the ICTA referral form, see website:
National Counter Trafficking Service 24/7 Referral Line:
- Tel - 0800 043 4303
- email - trafficking.referrals@bypmk.cjsm.net
ICTA Professionals' Leaflet
National - All Wales Protocols (Adults):
Practice Guidance on the Involvement of Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs) in Safeguarding Adults (2009)
Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Code of Practice
Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Best Practice Mini-guide
Mental Capacity Act 2005 - EASY READ Summary
Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Summary
Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Making decisions about your health welfare or finance
Deddf Gallu Meddyliol 2005
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards - Mini-guide
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards - EASY READ Summary
Practitioner guide: Working with people in the Criminal Justice System with Personality Difficulties
Modern day slavery referrals by professionals
Modern Day Slavery referrals follow the National Referral Mechanism. In Wales, the Wales Victim Response Pathway (below) is used to tackle this effectively.

Guidance on how to refer ADULT cases can be found here:
Guidance on how to refer CHILD cases can be found here:
To view further key statutory guidance and strategy on safeguarding unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children and child victims of modern slavery in Wales - click here.