Regional Policies & Procedures
The Policies & Procedures Sub Group operates collaboratively and in conjunction with both CYSUR & CWMPAS Boards. This Sub Group seeks to provide guidance to professionals by the development of regional policies and procedures. A number of local policies and procedures are in place within each member organisation. The Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Board has developed a number of multi-agency safeguarding polices and procedures that provides operational guidance to staff on safeguarding practice.
Multi Agency Referrals
Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF) for children (March 2023) - CYSUR
Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF) for adults (March 2023) - CWMPAS
Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF) for adults - Poor Practice Service Standards Referral form
Regional Threshold Guidance
In order to provide regional guidance and consistency, the following threshold documents have been developed by CWMPAS and CYSUR the Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Board, in collaboration with partner agencies and in consultation with frontline staff.
The purpose of these threshold guidance documents is to ensure our regional, collective response to keeping people safe is appropriate and proportionate to the abuse /neglect identified or the risk thereof.
Regional Adult Safeguarding Threshold Guidance Document (CWMPAS)
Regional Threshold & Eligibility for Support document - 'The Right Help at the Right Time' (April 2017) CYSUR
Regional Threshold & Eligibility for Support document - Support for Wellbeing windscreen (for use in local areas)
Child Protection Conferences
CYSUR – Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Children Board. Agency Reports for Child Protection Conference
Decision Making at Child Protection Conferences and Agency Groupings Protocol
Agency Report for INITIAL Child Protection Conference - CYSUR
Agency Report for REVIEW Child Protection Conference - CYSUR
Children's Child Protection Conference Leaflet
Section 47 Enquiries - Multi-Agency Protocol for Thresholds for Joint Social Services / Police and Single Agency Child Protection
This protocol provides guidance to the Social Services, Police and other parties involved in any Child Protection enquiries strategy discussions and/or meetings undertaken under Section 47 of the 1989 children Act that require either joint Social Services and Police Child Protection, Section 47 enquiry or investigation, or a single agency Child Protection Section 47 enquiry or investigation.
Section 47 Enquiries Protocol (January 2023) - CYSUR
Mental Ill Health - Protocol for Safeguarding Children affected by Parents who are experiencing Mental Ill Health - CYSUR
The overarching aim of this Protocol is to ensure that children, including unborn children of parent(s) experiencing mental ill health receive appropriate support, safeguarding and protection.
Protocol for Safeguarding Children affected by Parents who are experiencing Mental Ill Health
Practice Review Protocol
These protocols have been developed to clarify the working arrangements for both Child & Adult Practice Reviews within the Mid & West Wales Safeguarding Board region. The documents focus on the broader principles of Child & Adult Practice Reviews prior to a decision being made by the Regional Safeguarding Board to formally commission a Child or Adult practice Review or Multi-Agency Professional Forum.
CWMPAS Adult Practice Review Protocol (July 2017)
CYSUR Child Practice Review Protocol (April 2017)
Complaints Policy (January 2023)
Resolution of Professional Differences Protocol
The Mid and West Wales region has a strong history of multi-agency partnership working. It is inevitable that on occasions professional differences will occur within the context of complex safeguarding work. However, when professional differences occur that cannot be resolved informally, it is essential that all individual professionals or staff members are able to constructively and critically challenge the practice and decisions of others. The below policy states how professional differences with the context of the Mid & West Wales Safeguarding Board will be resolved.
Complaints Policy
The below policy states how the Board will manage complaints.
Resolution of Professional Differences Protocol (2023)
Domestic Homicide Review/Practice Review Interface
The Mid & West Wales Safeguarding Children and Adults Boards and the respective Community Safety Partnerships within the region have committed to strengthen communication and information sharing in the process for undertaking Child and Adult Practice Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews.
Regional DHR/Practice Review Interface Process (July 2018)
Regional protocol relating to Procedural Response to Sudden Unexpected Death in Childhood that complements National Public Health Wales Guidance.
Regional PRUDiC process
Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (VAWDASV)
Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy 2023 -2027
Dealing with Cases of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence to Safeguard Adults with Care and Support Need
Information Sharing Protocol
This Protocol provides a framework for the inter-agency sharing of safeguarding information across Mid and West Wales. The purpose of the protocol is to enable and provide a suitable framework through which children and adults at risk can be better safeguarded, through enabling professionals to make decisions based on all relevant safeguarding information available.
Information Sharing Protocol
S.46 Children Act 1989 (Police Powers) Protocol for Agencies Working with Children and Young Persons Under 18 Years
This Protocol is intended to provide guidance for member agencies of the Mid and West Wales Regional Safeguarding Board (CYSUR) to follow when a child has been identified as being at risk of significant harm and the utilisation of the police power granted under Section 46, Children Act 1989 is being considered. Application of the Protocol should ensure a consistent response from member agencies.
S46 Protocol (January 2023)
Youth Offending Teams Community Safeguarding And Serious Incidents (CSSI) Policy And Procedure
Youth Offending Teams Community Safeguarding And Serious Incidents (CSSI) Policy And Procedure
Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention Assessment Tool
Suicide Referral Pathway Wallet Guide
Process for the Immediate Rapid Response to Incidents of Suspected Suicide
MAPF Practice Guidance
Multi-Agency Professional Forums (MAPFs) are reviews conducted by a Local Authority where a child or adult at risk dies, or experiences significant harm, in order to identify learning from the case, as well as any good practice, and key themes arising. The Regional MAPF Forum convenes regularly to discuss new and ongoing MAPFs, and to share good practice across the region. The below guidance serves to equip Local Authorities in the Board area with a toolkit of resources and best practice guidance, in order to strengthen and ensure regional consistency of the MAPF process.
Multi-Agency Professional Forum (MAPF) Practice Guidance
Child Protection Conference Leaflet
The Conference Chairs across Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Powys convene as a regional forum through the Mid and West Wales Regional Conference Chairs group. Through the forum, the Conference Chairs have developed a regionally approved leaflet which serves to provide information to parents who are subject to Conference. This leaflet covers the purpose of a Conference and the process it will follow, as well as attempting to alleviate some of the concerns or worries which parents may have.
Child Protection Conference Leaflet
Injuries in Non-Mobile Children
It is very important to recognise that minor injuries can be an indicator or precursor to significant injuries or death of a child. Early recognition and action in such cases is key to preventing further injuries. This procedure provides a consistent approach across the Mid and West Wales Region. It applies to all practitioners when dealing with suspected injuries in non-mobile babies and children to ensure that they are appropriately safeguarded.
Injuries in Non-Mobile Children (January 2023)
Recording of Meetings by Parents and Service Users Policy
This guidance is about when service users, parents, and others with parental responsibility want to record a multi-agency meeting such as a looked after child review, a child or adult protection conference or care and support meeting. The purpose of this guidance is to provide clarity about the Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Board’s approach to the recording of meetings. It will support existing good practice about how meetings are held and it should encourage practitioners to listen to parents and service users about their reasons for wanting to record.
Recording of Meetings by Parents and Service Users (January 2023)
Child Exploitation
Multi Agency Child Exploitation Terms of Reference
Child Exploitation Strategy Document
Multi Agency Child Exploitation Terms of Reference
Multi-Agency Pre-Birth Pathway
This guidance is designed to better identify those babies most at risk and promote effective sharing of information between agencies and effective and efficient multi agency working.
Multi-Agency Pre-Birth Pathway (January 2023)
Working with People who are Difficult to Engage
Guidance on Working with People who are Difficult to Engage
Guidance on Working with People who are Difficult to Engage
Child to Parent Abuse Guidance
Mid and West Wales Regional Child to Parent Abuse Guidance
Child to Parent Abuse Guidance
Appropriate Language Guidance - Child and Adolescent Young Person Vulnerability
This guide has been created to support staff, practitioners, professionals and partner agencies working with children, young adults and families and the community to use appropriate language with specific reference to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and Child Criminal Exploitation.
Appropriate Language Guidance
Criminalisation of Care Experienced Children and Young Adults
This Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Board practice guidance has been produced to address the recommendations set out in the Welsh Governments ‘All Wales Protocol for reducing the criminalisation of care experienced children and young adults’, providing clear operational guidance for residential providers and agencies within the Criminal Justice System. The Welsh Governments protocol, published in March 2022, was aimed at various agencies including Local authorities, Police services, Youth Justice Services (YJS), the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and many more who are involved in providing support for children in care.
Reducing the Unnecessary Criminalisation of Care Experienced Children and Young Adults: Practice Guidance
Pressure Damage - Avoidable Pressure Damage to Local Authority Safeguarding Teams
A procedure outlining the role of the Adult Safeguarding Team in reporting avoidable pressure damage which has occurred in the Acute Hospitals to the relevant Local Authorities.
Procedure Reporting Avoidable Pressure Damage to Local Authority Safeguarding Teams
Rapid Senior Management Team Internal Case Review
Rapid Senior Management Team Internal Case Review
Child Protection Medical
As explained in the Child Protection Medical - Information for Parents leaflet, your child may need to have some medical tests. This leaflet is to help you to understand what they involve.
Child Protection Medical - Information for Parents
Child Protection Medical – Information about tests
Elective Home Education (EHE)
This regional protocol complements existing statutory national guidance and aims to provide a regional and consistent approach to safeguarding children and young people across the CYSUR region who are electively home educated.
Multi-Agency Protocol for Safeguarding Elective Home Educated Children
Local Operational Group (LOG) Joint Terms of Reference
The purpose of the Children and Adult Local Operational Groups (LOGs) is to support the Mid & West Wales Regional Safeguarding Executive Board in its core business as set out in the Social Services and Wellbeing Act [Wales] 2014
Local Operational Group (LOG) Joint Terms of Reference
Safeguarding Allegations/Concerns about Practitioners and Those in Positions of Trust
This information sheet explains what happens when an allegation or concern is made and will help staff who are involved in the procedure.