National Safeguarding Training, Learning and Development Standards and Framework

During National Safeguarding Week 2023 Social Care Wales launched a new national safeguarding learning, development and training framework to accompany the National Safeguarding Training Standards that were launched in 2022. This framework explains how safeguarding training could be done and should be used alongside the national safeguarding training, learning and development standards. Please see the links below to the standards and the newly launched framework. 

Free Basic Safeguarding Training for Everyone (Social Care Wales Safeguarding e-learning - Group A)

This bilingual e-learning package gives learners a practical understanding of safeguarding. It was developed in line with the Wales Safeguarding Procedures. This training is available to everyone free of charge and provides a basic introduction to safeguarding.

The e-learning module is mainly aimed at those working in the public and voluntary sectors. This includes those looking to work in social care, early years and childcare, as well as in health, the emergency services and local councils.

Completing the new bilingual training module will enable everyone to:

  • explain the term 'safeguarding'
  • recognise abuse or the risk of abuse, harm, or neglect
  • know what actions to take if they witness or suspect abuse, harm, or neglect, or if someone tells them they are being abused
  • demonstrate a basic understanding of the laws concerning safeguarding
  • recognise that they have a duty to report abuse, harm, or neglect.

Seminars, workshops & events

See below details of seminars, workshops, conferences and other events in Wales related to safeguarding children & adults. Please apply for places directly via the individual providers.


Training Standards Group A Training

Safeguarding e-learning - Social Care Wales 

This bilingual e-learning package gives learners a practical understanding of safeguarding. It was developed in line with the Wales Safeguarding Procedures.

The e-learning module is mainly aimed at those working in the public and voluntary sectors. This includes those looking to work in social care, early years and childcare, as well as in health, the emergency services and local councils.

Completing the new bilingual training module will enable everyone to:

  • explain the term 'safeguarding'
  • recognise abuse or the risk of abuse, harm, or neglect
  • know what actions to take if they witness or suspect abuse, harm, or neglect, or if someone tells them they are being abused
  • demonstrate a basic understanding of the laws concerning safeguarding
  • recognise that they have a duty to report abuse, harm, or neglect.

Access the online learning course here: Group A Safeguarding | Social Care Wales


Mid and West Wales Safer Recruitment Safer Employment Events

Disclosure Barring Service (DBS), Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA), the Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Board and Carmarthenshire/Ceredigion Association of Voluntary Organisations (CAVO) are pleased to bring you a joint event to help support your organisation to deliver safe and effective safeguarding practice.

The event will be supported and delivered by senior staff from the DBS Service, WCVA, the Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Board, alongside learning and development leaders from the relevant Local Authority Training Department. 

This event is primarily aimed at third sector and independent sector organisations but statutory organisations can be accommodated subject to demand. 

The day will consist of three workshops focussed on:

  • Good practice in relation to Safeguarding Policies and Procedures - An opportunity to consider your own safeguarding policies, review current resources and consider organisational process around your DBS responsibility.
  • Safe Recruitment and the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) - Overview of how DBS and your organisation can effectively work together for Safer Recruitment, and where you may have a legal duty to refer to the DBS.
  • The National Safeguarding Standards Training Standards – To support mandatory required staff and volunteer training requirements in line with the National Safeguarding Training and Development Standards.

These are free events. A light lunch and refreshments will be provided and parking will be made available.

Click here for dates and booking details. 

Dewis Choice - free training for practitioners

Please see details below of free training provided by Dewis Choice aimed at transforming responses to domestic abuse among older adults.

They are delivering a series of free 2-hour online training sessions aimed at transforming responses to domestic abuse among older adults. There are 5 separate sessions to pick from which take place between 26th June to 15th October from 10.00 – 12.00.

Further details about the training can be found here: 

NHS Wales – Universal Suicide Awareness Training Module

A new suicide awareness training module is now available for all staff, from front-line public facing workers to the boardroom. The module provides an understanding of suicide prevention and support information.

The module was developed by the Suicide and Self Harm Prevention Programme, NHS Executive.

To access on Learning@Wales: Once logged in, search for “suicide awareness” within the search function. Please contact your learning and development team for your organisation's enrolment key.

For more information, please contact the SSHP team at 

BAWSO event for the National Day of Remembrance
for Victims of Honour-Based Abuse Event

17th July 2024

09:30 - 1:00pm

Breaking Chains - Voices Unsilenced

In conversation with survivors, community leaders, and campaigners our aim is to recentre their voices and contributions to confront, and challenge the underlying beliefs and practices, that perpetuate honour based violence. 

More details and booking are available by clicking here. 

Dealing with dual allegations of domestic abuse (CPD certified)

Nov 14th 2024 and Jan 30th 2025

This hands-on 1-day course will improve practitioners' confidence and knowledge in dealing with dual-allegations of domestic abuse and identifying the primary perpetrator. 

It can be difficult and stressful when practitioners are faced with dual-allegations of domestic abuse, or perpetrators presenting as victims. We have seen increased demand and interest in this area recently from frontline domestic abuse practitioners, and we have responded to this training need within the sector by designing this targeted one-day training course.

This training is interactive, and uses a range of media, practical exercises, and discussion to give participants a toolkit of skills and knowledge based on evidence-based practice and recent theory. This training will equip participants with a thorough understanding of domestic abuse dynamics, perpetrator presentations, typologies of domestic abuse , and increase their confidence in encouraging and supporting best practice in multi-agency work where dual-allegations are involved.

Learning objectives

•    Gain confidence in working with dual-allegations
•    Become confident in understanding the impact of wrongly identifying the primary perpetrator
•    Be able to identify the primary perpetrator during assessments
•    Gain an understanding of the different presentations and typologies of DA
•    Be confident in advocating and encouraging professionals to hold perpetrators to account
•    Understanding the dynamics and intentionality of domestic abuse
•    Understand the impact of gender norms on experience of DA and DA perpetration

Who should attend:

This course is aimed at domestic abuse practitioners such as IDVAs or MARAC coordinators, or people who would like more confidence in identifying the primary perpetrator at assessment or in multi-agency meetings, and understanding complex domestic abuse dynamics, for example social workers, housing staff and NHS staff.

Please email expressions of interest to by 1st July 2024

Suicide and Self harm Prevention Cymru Training Hub

This platform is for anyone looking for training and development opportunities that can help them, their communities, or their workforces, to develop their awareness, understanding and skills in relation to the management and prevention of suicide and self harm.

This is a resource to help you find:

  • freely available online learning opportunities
  • training and development programmes for yourself, your teams and colleagues

Access the hub at: 

Papyrus Suicide Prevention Education and Training 

Papyrus have designed a suite of suicide prevention products to suit different needs and audiences with additional content from LivingWorks education.

Their training can be delivered directly to your organisation, group or workplace. Alternatively, you can attend a PAPYRUS organised workshop. These are all delivered across the UK.

To book a place on one of the workshops please visit their website at:

To organise a presentation or training please email or call 01925 572 444.


Children in Wales Training for Groups B and C 

Children in Wales have safeguarding courses running for Groups B and C listed at the following link: 

Please refer to:

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead Training (Group C)
  • Safeguarding Children & Young People (Group B) 

Children’s Society’s LookCloser Programme of Learning 

May - September 2024

#LookCloser is a partnership campaign between The Children's Society, the National County Lines Co-ordination Centre and the British Transport Police aiming to raise awareness of child exploitation and abuse and to encourage the public and businesses to better identify and report concerns. The campaign also seeks to challenge assumptions and victim stereotypes, highlighting that child exploitation can happen anywhere, and any young person can be a victim. 

Events are free to attend. Click here to obtain tickets – The Children's Society Prevention Programme (