Concise Child Practice Review CYSUR 3 2021: Part 1
Part 1, delivered by Dr Holly Gordon. The dissemination event will share learning that has emerged from the Child Practice Review CYSUR 3/2021 in respect of Child A, a disabled 16 year old who died in 2020 in circumstances indicative of chronic neglect. The review explored themes relating to coordination of care and support, transition needs and access to appropriate services.
The learning identified in this review is relevant for all statutory agencies who work with and support people with disabilities. Please also see CYSUR 3/2021 accompanying 7 minute briefing
Extended Child Practice Review CYSUR 4 2020 /CWMPAS 2 2020
Presentation delivered by Dr Donna Peach. The dissemination event will share learning that has emerged from the hybrid Child and Adult Practice review CYSUR 4 2020/CWMPAS 2 2020, the circumstances are in respect of the placement of a child and a vulnerable young adult in a respite foster placement and the subsequent significant harm experienced by both the child and young adult. The review has explored the challenges practitioners and managers face when working in a climate of limited resources and availability of placements.
The learning identified in this review is relevant for all statutory agencies who work and support looked after children and young adults with complex needs. Accompanying 7 minute briefings for this review can be found here - CYSUR 4 2020 and CWMPAS 2 2020.
Extended Child Practice Review CYSUR 6/2021
The dissemination event will share learning that has emerged from the Child Practice Review CYSUR 6/2021 in respect of two young people Child X and Child Y, who were both placed with Foster Carer Adult Z, and who both reported incidents of sexual abuse in placement.
The review explored themes relating to placement planning and matching, child voice, the foster carer role, supervision, and the management of allegations. The learning identified in this review is relevant for all statutory agencies who work in child safeguarding, but is particularly relevant for fostering services. Please see accompanying CYSUR 6/2021 7 minute briefing here.
Concise Child Practice Review CYSUR 3 2021: Part 2
Part 2, delivered by Dr Donna Peach. The dissemination event will share learning that has emerged from the Child Practice Review CYSUR 3/2021 in respect of Child A, a disabled 16 year old who died in 2020 in circumstances indicative of chronic neglect. The review explored themes relating to coordination of care and support, transition needs and access to appropriate services.
The learning identified in this review is relevant for all statutory agencies who work with and support people with disabilities. Please also see CYSUR 3/2021 accompanying 7 minute briefing
Concise Child Practice Review CWMPAS 5/2018
The dissemination event will share learning that has emerged from the Adult Practice Review CWMPAS 5/2018 in respect of Adult M, a 22-year-old who was found deceased at a College in England where she resided. Adult M had a diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome, Raynaud’s disease and depressive illness. The review explored themes relating to Mental Health and Well-being, Self-Harm and Suicide, Transition and Understanding Asperger’s.
The learning identified in this review is relevant for all statutory agencies who work with and support people who are neurodiverse and/or people at risk of self-harm and suicidal ideation. Please see accompanying 7 minute briefing here.