Executive Board
The Executive Boards for CYSUR and CWMPAS work together as an overarching regional Board to monitor and improve regional safeguarding activity across Mid and West Wales. The Executive Boards consist of senior managers from all key statutory partners and agencies. The Executive Boards’ aim is to provide leadership and guidance to all its constituent agencies through the delivery of a series of strategic priorities for safeguarding activity and practice. The two Executive Boards support, guide and take advice from the regional sub-groups.
CYSUR and CWMPAS Joint Board Terms of Reference
Local Operational Groups
Each of the four Local Authorities within Mid and West Wales host Local Operational Groups (LOGs). The purpose, membership and structure of these LOGs mirror that of the Executive Board. However, the primary objective of LOGs is to monitor and analyse safeguarding practice locally, rather than regionally. Membership consists of a Head of Service from the local authority who chairs the group, senior managers and officers from local statutory agencies, including Health, Police and Probation. LOGs seek to improve safeguarding practice locally by discussing local safeguarding activity in an open and transparent environment, sharing and analysing local data and by the undertaking of practice audits. LOGs seek to share and acknowledge examples of good safeguarding practice yet will professionally challenge and hold agencies to account when safeguarding practice falls below expected standards.
Mid & West Wales Local Operational Group Terms of Reference (April 2017)
Regional Adult & Child Practice Review Sub Group:
The Adult Practice Review (APR) & Child Practice Review (CPR) Sub Group considers referrals from agencies where a child or an adult at risk has either died or suffered significant impairment of health and development as a result of abuse and neglect. The regional APR/CPR Sub Group considers information against defined criteria within ‘Working Together to Safeguard People Volume 2 - Child Practice Reviews & Volume 3 – Adult Practice Reviews’ and makes a recommendation to the CYSUR or CWMPAS Chair as to whether there are identified learning outcomes and whether a CPR/APR should be undertaken to learn lessons. Practice Reviews are undertaken by a multi-agency group of professionals who collectively analyse information and identify any practice themes and lessons to learn. The report is then published as a Child/Adult Practice Review on the Board’s website.
CWMPAS APR Sub Group Terms of Reference (January 2017)
CYSUR CPR Sub Group Terms of Reference (April 2018)
Regional Policies & Procedures Sub Group
The Policies & Procedures Sub Group operates collaboratively and in conjunction with both CYSUR & CWMPAS Boards. This Sub Group seeks to provide guidance to professionals by the development of regional policies and procedures. A number of local policies and procedures are in place within each member organisation. The Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Board has developed a number of multi-agency safeguarding polices and procedures that provides operational guidance to staff on safeguarding practice.
Policies & Procedures Sub Group Terms of Reference
Regional Training Sub Group
The Training Sub Group also operates collaboratively and in conjunction with both CYSUR & CWMPAS Boards. It seeks to support and guide the delivery of safeguarding training and learning across the four local authority areas and partner agency organisations. The Training Sub Group works closely with organisational training departments to ensure and promote the quality and consistency of safeguarding training and delivery. The group can commission specialist, bespoke safeguarding training across the region and works closely with other Sub Groups such as the Practice Review Sub Group to ensure any learning outcomes that have been identified as result of Practice Reviews are disseminated to staff.
Regional Training Sub Group Terms of Reference
Multi-Agency Child Exploitation Meetings
The Mid and West Wales regional safeguarding board is committed to ensuring appropriate responses to tackle child exploitation through improved strategic and operational co-ordination of multi-agency efforts. This involves the continuation and regular review of the delivery of Multi-Agency Child Exploitation (MACE) meetings. A MACE meeting occurs in each of the Mid and West Wales regions at a Local Authority level. Whilst there are differences to how each Local Authority administer meetings, the terms of reference describe the framework, which all MACE meetings occur within.